Sam Tuke
2012-09-13 12:55:50 UTC
Hello all, this Saturday Free Software activists will determine the easiest
ways of chatting using Free Software audio and video programs. We'll be
testing out a variety of applications, including Pidgin, Empathy, and Kopete.
The core group of testers will be in Madlab Hackerspace in Manchester, but
*anyone can participate* - join the #FSFE IRC channel on Freenode to find
people to test chatting with, and see what still needs testing (email
manchester at if you need help getting access to IRC).
The aim is to publish the results as a compatibility chart that will show at a
glance the easiest way to chat. As many Free Software users still use Skype
due to confusion surrounding Free Software alternatives, our research will
hopefully be very useful to a variety of individuals and organisations.
*Activity outline*
- Testing takes place on 15.09.12 at 14.00-17.00 UK time (15.00-18.00 CEST)
- Use a grid of Free Software chat programs for collecting our findings
- Test as many chat clients as possible (eg. Pidgin, Psi)
- For each combination of programs test whether voice chat and video
works (people without webcams can still test voice chat)
*Optional additional tests*
- Try connecting to other people at madlab, and also try
connecting to people in other countries
- Test the Free Software clients with different operating
systems if people bring them installed on laptops
- Test different versions of chat clients (not just the latest release)
- Bring your own laptop (some older laptops will be available to borrow)
- Your laptop should have either a built in microphone, a separate microphone,
or mic headset
*Optional Requirements*
- Built in, or stand-alone webcam
Three separate Free Software and GNU/Linux groups will be meeting in MadLab on
Saturday: Manchester FSFE Fellowship Group, Manchester Free Software, and
ManLUG. Other activities will likely be available in addition to chat testing,
so feel free to come along and see what you fancy.
MadLab event page:
"See" you there (one way or another :) ),
Sam Tuke
Campaign Manager
Free Software Foundation Europe
IM : samtuke at
Latest UK Free Software news:
Is freedom important to you? Join the
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ways of chatting using Free Software audio and video programs. We'll be
testing out a variety of applications, including Pidgin, Empathy, and Kopete.
The core group of testers will be in Madlab Hackerspace in Manchester, but
*anyone can participate* - join the #FSFE IRC channel on Freenode to find
people to test chatting with, and see what still needs testing (email
manchester at if you need help getting access to IRC).
The aim is to publish the results as a compatibility chart that will show at a
glance the easiest way to chat. As many Free Software users still use Skype
due to confusion surrounding Free Software alternatives, our research will
hopefully be very useful to a variety of individuals and organisations.
*Activity outline*
- Testing takes place on 15.09.12 at 14.00-17.00 UK time (15.00-18.00 CEST)
- Use a grid of Free Software chat programs for collecting our findings
- Test as many chat clients as possible (eg. Pidgin, Psi)
- For each combination of programs test whether voice chat and video
works (people without webcams can still test voice chat)
*Optional additional tests*
- Try connecting to other people at madlab, and also try
connecting to people in other countries
- Test the Free Software clients with different operating
systems if people bring them installed on laptops
- Test different versions of chat clients (not just the latest release)
- Bring your own laptop (some older laptops will be available to borrow)
- Your laptop should have either a built in microphone, a separate microphone,
or mic headset
*Optional Requirements*
- Built in, or stand-alone webcam
Three separate Free Software and GNU/Linux groups will be meeting in MadLab on
Saturday: Manchester FSFE Fellowship Group, Manchester Free Software, and
ManLUG. Other activities will likely be available in addition to chat testing,
so feel free to come along and see what you fancy.
MadLab event page:
"See" you there (one way or another :) ),
Sam Tuke
Campaign Manager
Free Software Foundation Europe
IM : samtuke at
Latest UK Free Software news:
Is freedom important to you? Join the
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