Post by Markus Fischer
I wrote to Luis Cobian, the developer of Cobian Backup, a couple of
years ago asking him to publish his software with a GPL License and take
advantages from the use of a free license. Unfotunately this is the
answer I got....
-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: Re: Cobian Backup with GNU GPL
Data: Mon, 7 May 2012 14:24:09 +0200
Mittente: Luis Cobian <******>
Organizzazione: CobianSoft
A: Massimo Barbieri <massimo at>
Hello Massimo,
There is an Open Source (MPL license) available (version 8) on Source
Forge . Unfortunately the community did nothing for it and no
actualizations of it saw the light of the day.
Post by Markus FischerHi Luis!
My name is Massimo Barbieri and I am an Italian fellow of the Free
Software Foundation Europe. I use your Cobian Backup at work, since a
lot of years, in all my clients and I would like to thank you very much
because Cobian Backup is absolutely great!
I also would like to suggest you to change the license of Cobian Backup
in order to make it a Free Software[1]. You already give to your users
the possibility to use, to copy and to distribute the software, but not
the the possibility to modify the software.
Giving to the users the opportunity to study and modify the source code
of your software you will benefit from the contributions of wide
community of developers and Cobian Backup will become even better. The
GNU General Public License[2] is written both to assure users freedom,
and to protect developers.
Please, if you can, take it in consideration and don't hesitate to write
me if you have any question about Free Software,
Ciao ad thanks again!
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