An idea / pointers / risks?
Allan Irving
2014-09-13 02:48:19 UTC
Unrelated to normal discussion but hopefully, of interest to some and some of you can help point me in the right direction.

Long story short, old laptop. Coffee spill. Works fine, just the keyboard is stuffed.

Have an idea to utilise it. Guy it from the laptop casing and create a Lego case from Lego parts around the motherboard. Not sure if I will utilise the inbuilt screen, current plan is to use an external one. Install Debian on it and put it to some use.

Now, I'm not too familiar with doing something like this. I can build computers but in usual components.

First thing, heat + plastic. Bad idea? Any suggestions as to how to place or manipulate the heat sink and CPU to reduce melting or danger?

I was thinking fans if course, USB ones plus added built in one.

Any ither suggestions as to how I can go about making this happen?!
Andres Muniz Piniella
2014-09-13 19:00:28 UTC
Post by Allan Irving
I was thinking fans if course, USB ones plus added built in one.
Maybe peltiers? Careful with water condensation. make sure the heatsink
is well connected with graphite or thermal paste.
Enviado dese mi Ubuntu de sobremesa
Heiki “Repentinus” Ojasild
2014-09-14 10:35:13 UTC
Post by Allan Irving
First thing, heat + plastic. Bad idea? Any suggestions as to how to place or manipulate the heat sink and CPU to reduce melting or danger?
"Plastic" is a term far too general. Most Lego blocks are made of ABS?,
and its properties vary depending on the precise formula employed by the
manufacturer. For an example of common parameters see ?. Unless you
intend to ask Lego's ABS supplier for the precise parameters of their
variant of ABS, I would suggest placing the heatsink, CPU, and GPU as
far away as possible from the sides of the enclosure. I would also
suggest placing an additional temperature sensor at the Lego bricks
closest to the heatsink and use it to limit processor speeds if necessary.

? http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/Acrylonitrile_Butadiene_Styrene
? http://www.dynalabcorp.com/technical_info_abs.asp

Heiki ?Repentinus? Ojasild
Fellowship Representative
Free Software Foundation Europe
mailto:repentinus at fsfe.org
xmpp:repentinus at jabber.fsfe.org

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