Vicen Rodriguez
2013-05-23 21:52:38 UTC
Yesterday I read this press release:
<<The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, has been touring
Silicon Valley companies this week, on the heels of a similar tour by
Turkish President Abdullah G?l last month. Both men received VIP tours
of facilities at Microsoft and Google, and met privately with officials
from Apple. All three companies are hoping to land a contract to supply
the country with at least 10.6 million tablets for the country's
Do you think it could be a good idea to send a message to Mr. Recep
Tayyip Erdo?an and to Mr. Abdullah G?l regarding the advantages of the
use of devices with free software in an educational environment?
If yes, how do you think it could be done?
Could it be done from the FSFE?
Best regards
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Yesterday I read this press release:
<<The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, has been touring
Silicon Valley companies this week, on the heels of a similar tour by
Turkish President Abdullah G?l last month. Both men received VIP tours
of facilities at Microsoft and Google, and met privately with officials
from Apple. All three companies are hoping to land a contract to supply
the country with at least 10.6 million tablets for the country's
Do you think it could be a good idea to send a message to Mr. Recep
Tayyip Erdo?an and to Mr. Abdullah G?l regarding the advantages of the
use of devices with free software in an educational environment?
If yes, how do you think it could be done?
Could it be done from the FSFE?
Best regards
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