"My name is America and I'm a dataholic" - recommended article
Matthias Kirschner
2013-08-20 12:08:00 UTC
The FAZ has published the article "Information Consumerism - The Price
of Hypocrisy"
I strongly recommend reading it.

It covers a lot of important points, says that over-reliance on foreign
communications infrastructure is no way to boost one's sovereignty,
highlights a quote from Microsoft saying that making new forms of
communication less secure is inevitable. It argues that we cannot be
building insecure communication infrastructure and expect that only
Western government would profit from it, that Snowden exposed the shaky
foundations of already unsustainable policies, the problems of
appliances connected to the internet, and why it does not help to only
concentrate on securing e-mails. It writes that Google algorithm keep
your email communication both free and accessible to the NSA, and argues
that in future the NSA might just be able to buy the data it needs. It
makes the point that market logic has replaces morality. The political
and moral consequences to information consumerism and about real

I also disagree with minor points, but first read it yourself!

Best Regards:,
Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
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Sam Tuke
2013-08-22 09:53:18 UTC
Post by Matthias Kirschner
I strongly recommend reading it.
Me too. Excellent reading, highly motivating.


- --
Sam Tuke
Campaign Manager
Free Software Foundation Europe
IM : samtuke at jabber.fsfe.org
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