Matthias Kirschner
2014-06-30 08:25:09 UTC
Today our sister organisation, the FSF, published their e-mail self
defence guide and their infographic in 6 new languages. It is now
available in English, German, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Russian,
Turkish, and Japanese. They explain the installation of the necessary
programs for e-mail encryption under GNU/Linux, MacOS, and Microsoft
Windows; the key generation; the web of trust; as well as the usage of
those programs. All you need is a computer with an Internet connection,
an email account, and about half an hour.
- E-Mail self defence: <>
- Infographic: <>
Please distribute them!!
At FSFE we plan to print the infographics and make them available like
other Free Software info materials on
Please send in your feedback, so FSF and we can include that before
printing the infographics.
If you like that we send those materials to activists around Europe, you
can also support us with a donation to cover printing and distributing
costs: <>.
Best Regards,
defence guide and their infographic in 6 new languages. It is now
available in English, German, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Russian,
Turkish, and Japanese. They explain the installation of the necessary
programs for e-mail encryption under GNU/Linux, MacOS, and Microsoft
Windows; the key generation; the web of trust; as well as the usage of
those programs. All you need is a computer with an Internet connection,
an email account, and about half an hour.
- E-Mail self defence: <>
- Infographic: <>
Please distribute them!!
At FSFE we plan to print the infographics and make them available like
other Free Software info materials on
Please send in your feedback, so FSF and we can include that before
printing the infographics.
If you like that we send those materials to activists around Europe, you
can also support us with a donation to cover printing and distributing
costs: <>.
Best Regards,
Matthias Kirschner - Vice President FSFE
Sch?nhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290
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Matthias Kirschner - Vice President FSFE
Sch?nhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290
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