404s and unclosed but fixed bugs in the PDF readers bug list
Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild
2012-07-01 16:20:29 UTC

I have been taking looks at
<https://fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/buglist.en.html>, and I have
discovered that quite a few URLs once reported as bugs do not resolve
(404) any more, or do not contain any proprietary PDF reader
advertisements. This seemed to be especially common for German
institutions. If someone has time, please, take a look at the bug
list, and either find a new URL containing a bug for such
institutions, or being unable to do so, close the bug.

Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild
FSFE Fellow (en) / FSFE ?hinglane (et)
<repentinus at fsfe.org>
Matthias Kirschner
2012-07-02 09:53:09 UTC
Post by Heiki &quot;Repentinus&quot; Ojasild
I have been taking looks at
<https://fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/buglist.en.html>, and I have
discovered that quite a few URLs once reported as bugs do not resolve
(404) any more, or do not contain any proprietary PDF reader
advertisements. This seemed to be especially common for German
institutions. If someone has time, please, take a look at the bug
list, and either find a new URL containing a bug for such
institutions, or being unable to do so, close the bug.
Yes, that is because of the crappy CMS some of them use, where URLs
change all the time.

What I am doing in such cases: search for "adobe" or "acrobat" on the
domain of the reportet instition. If there is another advertisement I
add the new URL. If it is fixed, I mark the bug as fixed.

Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
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