Your help until 29th January for the Standards Quartet
Matthias Kirschner
2012-01-16 08:17:56 UTC
Hey everybody,

we are currently organising the next Document Freedom Day on March 28th
and therefore we wanted to produce a card game, called "Standards
Quartet" (a card game that is often played by little children usually
not comparing different facts about Open Standards but about cars,
dinosaurs, etc.). For this we need your help to collect all the
information that we need, maybe you could help us out:

Please have a look at this link: https://dfd.etherpad.fsfe.org/10 and
fill in as many facts as you know.

Basically we need:

32 cards, 4 groups (each consisting of 8 different cards) and categories
to compare those cards:

Examples for the groups:
- Text
- Video/Audio
- Picture
- Network

Examples for the categories:
- Amount of words of the current standards
- Amount of implementations
- Exists since year XY
- Freedom level? (Give points from our Open Standard Definition)
- Uses XY other open standards
- Amount of money to lobby the standards

If you have any other ideas for groups or categories, please add them to
the list. (You can also include proprietary standards, depending on how
many Open Standards we find we will decide how exactely to structure

We will than design the cards, and print them.

Thanks for your help!
Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
FSFE, Linienstr. 141, 10115 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290 +49-1577-1780003
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Edoardo Maria Elidoro
2012-01-16 12:52:36 UTC
may I ask why the Document Freedom Day will be on the 28th of March?
It's a Wednesday and for almost everyone it's a business day (at least here
in Italy).

Picking a Saturday or a Sunday would be a better choice IMHO.
Is there something else I'm not considering?

Sorry for the slightly-off-topic reply.
*If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything.*
ArchLinux and Gnome Shell user // Linux and Free Software believer // LugCR
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Matthias Kirschner
2012-01-16 14:25:05 UTC
Hi Edoardo,
Post by Edoardo Maria Elidoro
may I ask why the Document Freedom Day will be on the 28th of March?
It's a Wednesday and for almost everyone it's a business day (at least here
in Italy).
Picking a Saturday or a Sunday would be a better choice IMHO.
Is there something else I'm not considering?
That was something which was decided years ago, it is always the last
Wednesday in March. For some activities it is very good that they are
during the week. At least for this year we will not change anything
about that.

Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
FSFE, Linienstr. 141, 10115 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290 +49-1577-1780003
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Matthias Kirschner
2012-02-13 15:31:48 UTC
Hi all,

this is a reminder for the quartet. We need to finish the information
this week. If we are not able to do that, we have to postpone the
Post by Matthias Kirschner
we are currently organising the next Document Freedom Day on March 28th
and therefore we wanted to produce a card game, called "Standards
Quartet" (a card game that is often played by little children usually
not comparing different facts about Open Standards but about cars,
dinosaurs, etc.). For this we need your help to collect all the
Please have a look at this link: https://dfd.etherpad.fsfe.org/10 and
fill in as many facts as you know.

Best Regards,
Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
FSFE, Linienstr. 141, 10115 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290 +49-1577-1780003
Free Software is important to you? Join today! (fsfe.org/join)
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Marcos Marado
2012-02-13 16:31:22 UTC
Hi there,
Post by Matthias Kirschner
Hi all,
this is a reminder for the quartet. We need to finish the information
this week. If we are not able to do that, we have to postpone the
I'm not sure you've noticed that I've worked a bit on it this weekend.
Post by Matthias Kirschner
Marcos Marado: if we end up only having three groups (I'm not sure if 4 is
the minimum), then we have two categories covered, and only have to deal
with "Network" and "Data"
I think this is feasible: we just need someone to look up those 16 standards
on wikipedia to see their creation year and the link for the specification,
then just:
$ wget http://link-to-spec.txt -o /dev/null -O - |wc --words
or, if the spec is only available on HTML,
$ wget http://link-to-spec.html -o /dev/null -O - |html2text |wc --words

Checking out the Freedom Level is more time-consuming, but answering those
five questions/points ( http://fsfe.org/projects/os/def.en.html ) is not that
Marcos Marado
Matthias Kirschner
2012-02-16 14:27:50 UTC
hi Marcos,
Post by Marcos Marado
I'm not sure you've noticed that I've worked a bit on it this weekend.
No I have not noticed it before.
Post by Marcos Marado
Post by Matthias Kirschner
Marcos Marado: if we end up only having three groups (I'm not sure if 4 is
the minimum), then we have two categories covered, and only have to deal
with "Network" and "Data"
We need 4 categories for the game. Another idea is also to split it in
other groups and also add older standards (not just Open Standards).
Than we could add MS OOXML / DOCX, .sxw, ...
Post by Marcos Marado
I think this is feasible: we just need someone to look up those 16 standards
on wikipedia to see their creation year and the link for the specification,
$ wget http://link-to-spec.txt -o /dev/null -O - |wc --words
or, if the spec is only available on HTML,
$ wget http://link-to-spec.html -o /dev/null -O - |html2text |wc --words
Someone here able to do that?
Post by Marcos Marado
Checking out the Freedom Level is more time-consuming, but answering those
five questions/points ( http://fsfe.org/projects/os/def.en.html ) is not that
Can someone answer the questions? And than we should double check.

What about: we just give 1 point if the question is answered with yes,
and 0 if answered with no?

Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
FSFE, Linienstr. 141, 10115 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290 +49-1577-1780003
Free Software is important to you? Join today! (fsfe.org/join)
Weblog (blogs.fsfe.org/mk) - Contact (fsfe.org/about/kirschner)