Bunch of FSFE mailing lists publicly archived at <http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/project/fsfeurope.org/>
Heiki &quot;Repentinus&quot; Ojasild
2011-12-25 19:58:44 UTC
Dear discussants,

It has come to my attention that our mailing lists are publicly
archived at <http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/project/fsfeurope.org/>.
The web@ and translators@ have faced similar issues in the past, if I
remember correctly. On those lists it was decided that this is not
desirable. I think that the FSFE should not allow this kind of
archival as we have the functionality internally. However, since I am
not qualified to decide... I am writing this. I think it would be best
if the FSFE had a universal policy, but you are obviously welcome to
mirror the discussion on the lists relevant to you.

Anyway, let's discuss it. Your thoughts, opinions, actions are?

Merry Christmas!

Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild
<repentinus at fsfe.org>
MJ Ray
2011-12-27 19:11:15 UTC
"Heiki \"Repentinus\" Ojasild" <repentinus at fsfe.org>
Post by Heiki &quot;Repentinus&quot; Ojasild
It has come to my attention that our mailing lists are publicly
archived at <http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/project/fsfeurope.org/>.
remember correctly. On those lists it was decided that this is not
desirable. I think that the FSFE should not allow this kind of
archival as we have the functionality internally. However, since I am
not qualified to decide... I am writing this. I think it would be best
if the FSFE had a universal policy, but you are obviously welcome to
mirror the discussion on the lists relevant to you.
Anyway, let's discuss it. Your thoughts, opinions, actions are?
Let it be.

Why does it matter? The discussion list is public for both
subscription and archive. The internal archive is pipermail, which is
not the nicest thing to use, to put it mildly.

Also, there are many other archives which also have a copy of the
discussion list - gmane.org being one of the best. Like gmane,
archiveorange seem to link back to the real list.

There's one main thing I see at archiveorange which could be
considered objectionable. They show adverts if one's browser isn't
set to forbid them and maybe they don't donate any surplus income to
FSFE for this use of its resources.

So why did web@ and translators@ object?

MJ Ray (slef), member of www.software.coop, a for-more-than-profit co-op.
http://koha-community.org supporter, web and library systems developer.
In My Opinion Only: see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
Available for hire (including development) at http://www.software.coop/
Heiki &quot;Repentinus&quot; Ojasild
2011-12-27 20:19:35 UTC
On a second glance, it seems that only web@ did. At least I cannot
find anything about translators@ at the moment. Anyway, web@ archives
are private. And no-one who bothered to discuss it on web@ wanted the
archives to become public. Was not much more to that.

Since the site has quite a few lists archived I just figured it would
be easier to notify people via the discussion at . I was not particularly
enthusiastic with the prospective of checking all the lists' archival
policies and notifying them all myself. And since I knew that not all
lists have been happy about this, I figured it would be worth
mentioning here.

Best regards,
Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild
<repentinus at fsfe.org>
Matthias Kirschner
2011-12-29 11:04:28 UTC
Post by Heiki &quot;Repentinus&quot; Ojasild
archives to become public. Was not much more to that.
For the publically archived ones it is ok for me if they are archived in
other places like Free Software list archives as well.

web@ and trsnlators@ have a archive which is for subscribers only. So
they should not appear on public archives. That's why we contacted some
archives in the past and asked for removal of those lists from their

Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
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