Update Free Software Pact in Germany
Matthias Kirschner
2014-05-08 06:19:49 UTC
Yesterday I was informed that now the office of the Green Party in
Germany asked all their candidates for the European Election to sign the
Free Software Pact <http://freesoftwarepact.eu/>.

I therefor updated: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/freesoftwarepact-eu-candidates

Please help us to contact more candidates. From the newsletter:

Get active: Make the Free Software Pact a success!

As we wrote in March [1] candidates pledging for Free Software is a
good way to take them at their word after an election. In Future we
can contact them whenever there will be EU legislation to be passed
that might endanger the existence or growth of Free Software.

After FSFE's volunteers did a lot of translations for the pact, April
now published all necessary information on the Free Software pact
website so you can get active.

In Italy our new intern Michele Marrali already contacted 51
candidates. He searched for the candidates, used ">Erik's template [2]
available in German [3] to contact them, and afterwards noted on ">our
pad whom he already contacted [4]. His goal is to contact every
Italian candidate and get them to sign the pact. So how many can you

In case you do not have time to participate in this "hobby lobby
competition", consider to make a donation [5] so we can offer the most
active volunteers some rewards from our shop [6].

Best Regards,

1. http://fsfe.org/news/2014/news-20140304-01.html
2. https://blogs.fsfe.org/eal/2014/04/23/the-free-software-pact-for-the-european-elections-2014
3. https://blogs.fsfe.org/eal/2014/04/23/der-freie-software-pakt-eu
4. https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/freesoftwarepact-eu-candidates
5. http://fsfe.org/donate
6. http://fsfe.org/order/order.html
Matthias Kirschner - Vice President FSFE
Sch?nhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290
Weblog (blogs.fsfe.org/mk) - Contact (fsfe.org/about/kirschner)
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