Arne Babenhauserheide
2012-02-21 15:50:04 UTC
?Free Software and Free Culture changed the way I see human interaction in a society. Copyleft gives a great base for real collaboration and it makes me independent of the goodwill of a company. Since it became part of my life, I wanted to help make it better. And for that we need people working full-time. That?s why I became a fellow: My money goes to the FSFE. Also the crypto card is simply cool.?
?The FSFE gets part of the money I save by keeping my freedom. Sounds paradoxical? Well, that?s what it is: You get freedom by saving money. Because buying unfree works is like paying for your own shackles.?
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?The FSFE gets part of the money I save by keeping my freedom. Sounds paradoxical? Well, that?s what it is: You get freedom by saving money. Because buying unfree works is like paying for your own shackles.?
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