Pros and cons of different free PDF readers
Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild
2012-04-17 17:22:16 UTC
Dear discussants,

As you may or may not be aware, we are planning to overhaul the
pdfreaders.org website. As part of the future changes, we are planning
to replace the current table with platform-specific reader
recommendations. Thus, it would be beneficial if you listed the pros
and cons of the free readers you actively use and the criteria we
should consider when evaluating the readers. The reason behind this
request is very simple: Today I had a rather interesting talk with the
leader of Estonian Pirate Party, and we happened to discuss free PDF
readers, and our use cases were just so dramatically different ? I use
PDFs for reading only, but for him good annotation system was a must ?
that I decided to ask as diverse audience as possible for input.

Thus, could you please tell us why a certain free reader is better
than the alternatives or elaborate on your daily use? Please tell us
what we should consider when we are going to make the final choice on


Some ideas:
-> Existence of a browser plug-in (the idea is from Hannes, I think)
-> Annotation system

Faithfully yours,
Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild
FSFE Fellow (en) / FSFE ?hinglane (et)
<repentinus at fsfe.org>

P.S. There is no need to cc the pdfreaders' mailing list: I am going
to compile all the information, and I will share it with the team when
the discussion on this list is going to draw to a close.

P.P.S. If anyone wants to work on the PDFreaders overhaul (work, not
discuss things), let us know, and we can take you aboard.