Software patents leaflet
Erik Albers
2012-03-01 18:08:49 UTC
Dear all,

Our leaflet about software patents that we use at the booth, is really
outdated and should be updated as soon as possible. As we already had a
discussion on internal mailing lists, you are now all up to date with
your arguments and knowledge : )

So, please help me to update our leaflet. Therefore, I opened an
etherpad where I inserted the text of the actual leaflet and spontaneous
ideas about what we can included in the leaflet:

I think the length that the text on the etherpad has now is
approximately the text length we can use on the leaflet.

Thank you very much for you participation and ideas,

best regards,

- --

Erik Albers [ ]
Free Software Foundation Europe [ ][ ][ ]
Policy Team [ ]
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