Matthias Kirschner
2014-05-17 09:23:46 UTC
I am quite late with this, so you just have until tomorrow May 18 to
support this project. Jake Appelbaum brought me in contact with Bunnie,
and after receiving some more information I just published the following
blog entry:
Short version: The Novena project is still looking for community members
to support the project. They are 35 devices short of hitting a goal of
getting SDR boards to all the backers. They will already pay for the
development of Free Software drivers. From their description:
"We hope to raise enough funds to sustainably manufacture Novena, so
that the Free Software community can reliably source an open hardware
platform. This will ensure that we will have Free Software for every
part of the Novena, so we'll not only be an open hardware device,
we'll be powered entirely by Free Software. Every contribution helps
to ensure that users and developers remain Free as in Freedom."
So if you want to support open hardware and Free Software all in one, do
so until tomorrow, May 18.
Best Regards,
support this project. Jake Appelbaum brought me in contact with Bunnie,
and after receiving some more information I just published the following
blog entry:
Short version: The Novena project is still looking for community members
to support the project. They are 35 devices short of hitting a goal of
getting SDR boards to all the backers. They will already pay for the
development of Free Software drivers. From their description:
"We hope to raise enough funds to sustainably manufacture Novena, so
that the Free Software community can reliably source an open hardware
platform. This will ensure that we will have Free Software for every
part of the Novena, so we'll not only be an open hardware device,
we'll be powered entirely by Free Software. Every contribution helps
to ensure that users and developers remain Free as in Freedom."
So if you want to support open hardware and Free Software all in one, do
so until tomorrow, May 18.
Best Regards,
Matthias Kirschner - Vice President FSFE
Sch?nhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290
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Matthias Kirschner - Vice President FSFE
Sch?nhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290
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