Matthias Kirschner
2013-07-15 15:26:18 UTC
Sam looked into Hemlis, a proposal for a new encrypted mobile messaging
app, which received $125,000 in crowdfunding.
It?s wonderful to see ambitious new software projects get support from
the community, especially when they are Free Software which can be
used, studied, shared, and improved by everyone. But is this really
the case with Hemlis?
app, which received $125,000 in crowdfunding.
It?s wonderful to see ambitious new software projects get support from
the community, especially when they are Free Software which can be
used, studied, shared, and improved by everyone. But is this really
the case with Hemlis?
Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
FSFE, Linienstr. 141, 10115 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290 +49-1577-1780003
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Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
FSFE, Linienstr. 141, 10115 Berlin, t +49-30-27595290 +49-1577-1780003
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