Can we make the web shop more visible?
Allan Irving
2014-08-04 16:15:14 UTC
May be hijacking this thread somehow, but it is related.

Could a size chart be added as a S, M, L etc. tend to mean very little to not only myself but most. As in a size chart for these specific shirts as a M in these may be a S I wear in others.

Partly the reason I haven't bought one yet or a hoodie!

- Sent from my toaster using recycled electrons.
I?m making a proposal on the frontpage of fsfe.org right now.
what do you think?
To be honest, I needed a second look to find the promo T-shirt. Why not putting
it in the sidebar besides the event section (and not underneath it)? I'M sure it
would gain more attention and it would look more fitting.
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