Alessandro Polvani
2012-04-24 08:51:31 UTC
Hi all,
FSFE's monthly fellowship interview with Bernd Wurst is online:
Bern Wurst is a Free Software professional, volunteering for the
Freedroidz project. He describes us his engagement with Free Software,
and its importance for education.
Thank you,
- --
Alessandro Polvani [ ] <alessandro.polvani at>
Free Software Foundation Europe [ ][ ][ ] []
Assistant to the President | | +49-30-27595290
Your donation powers our work! []
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. is a German Verein registered
at the Registergericht Hamburg (VR 17030).
FSFE's monthly fellowship interview with Bernd Wurst is online:
Bern Wurst is a Free Software professional, volunteering for the
Freedroidz project. He describes us his engagement with Free Software,
and its importance for education.
Thank you,
- --
Alessandro Polvani [ ] <alessandro.polvani at>
Free Software Foundation Europe [ ][ ][ ] []
Assistant to the President | | +49-30-27595290
Your donation powers our work! []
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. is a German Verein registered
at the Registergericht Hamburg (VR 17030).