FSFE Booth at LinuxTag in Berlin - May 23-26
Alessandro Polvani
2012-04-18 12:23:46 UTC
Hi all!

I would like to notify you that we will have a booth at LinuxTag in
Berlin from May 23 to 26.

It would be great to meet as many of you as possible. We are also
looking for booth volunteers.

It is a four-day event, so we are organising shifts. Your assistance
would help us a lot, even if just for a couple of hours of half a day.

Please refer to me for any question.

Looking forward to meeting you in Berlin!


- --
Alessandro Polvani [ ] <alessandro.polvani at fsfe.org>
Free Software Foundation Europe [ ][ ][ ] [http://fsfe.org]
Assistant to the President | | +49-30-27595290
Your donation powers our work! [http://fsfe.org/donate/]

Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. is a German Verein registered
at the Registergericht Hamburg (VR 17030).
