Felix C. Stegerman
2014-01-08 01:44:28 UTC
Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament to use Debian for email
Rebecca Harms [11], co-president of the Greens/EFA Group in the
European Parliament, announced a project to use trustworthy
encryption [12] in cooperation and dialogue with European
Parliament IT services and Debian. Recognising that we "live in a
digital environment polluted by pervasive surveillance", she sees
encrypted software as a small first step to ensure nobody but the
intended recipent of an email can read it. Greens/EFA will use a
selection of Free Software from Debian running on regular consumer
laptops. "As Greens in the European Parliament we are very pleased
that we are supported by Debian [...], a community of programmers
and developers abiding to a social contract [13] to share and
maintain their common resource which they call Free Software", she
12: http://www.greens-efa.eu/software-procurement-11372.htmlencryption
Rebecca Harms [11], co-president of the Greens/EFA Group in the
European Parliament, announced a project to use trustworthy
encryption [12] in cooperation and dialogue with European
Parliament IT services and Debian. Recognising that we "live in a
digital environment polluted by pervasive surveillance", she sees
encrypted software as a small first step to ensure nobody but the
intended recipent of an email can read it. Greens/EFA will use a
selection of Free Software from Debian running on regular consumer
laptops. "As Greens in the European Parliament we are very pleased
that we are supported by Debian [...], a community of programmers
and developers abiding to a social contract [13] to share and
maintain their common resource which they call Free Software", she
13: http://www.debian.org/social_contract
- - Felix- --
Felix C. Stegerman
vice-coordinator, dutch fellowship group of fsfe