Newspaper "Die Zeit": Wistleblower software published as Free Software
Matthias Kirschner
2012-08-03 07:52:37 UTC
"Die Zeit", Germany's biggest weekly newspaper, introduced a "digital
postbox" [1], which enables people to leak documents to the newspaper.
They published this as Free Software [2].

First the software makes the data anonymous, by removing metadata and
other information from the files. Then the GnuPG encrypted data will be
sent to the journalists, who will check the information, and see if they
make a story out of it. The software also provides a kind of anonymous
postbox, to interact with the the wistleblower.


1. http://blog.zeit.de/zeitansage/2012/07/30/zeit-online-startet-digitalen-briefkasten_1048
2. https://github.com/zeitonline
Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
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