PDFreaders recommended by government - and what else we achived
Léopold Baillard
2012-11-27 11:05:29 UTC
Two weeks have been gone since we launched the PDF Readers fundraising.
First, we want to thank everyone who made a donation. Currently, we
received 907 EUR (more than 80% of the goal).
Thanks to your donation, and you informing your friends about this work,
we will reach the 1100 EUR until the 4th of December.

What happened beside the fact that 554 administrations fixed the
advertisement? Some politicians are already working to fix the
advertisment for non-free software European wide and on the Member State

For example, at the European level, Members of the European Parliament
submitted parliamentary questions to the Commission[1] to find out where
the Commission does this advertisement; why they do so; if they tested
their websites with Free Software PDF readers; and how they plan to
solve the problem for the Commission's own website and the websites of
other public institutions in the Member States.

On the national level, the German Green Party made a statement and
submitted 18 questions to the German Federal Government about
advertisement of proprietary PDFreader software on German Federal
Government's websites (in German)[2].

In addition, the German Government is now recommends to use our text
snippet "to open this PDF file, you need a PDF reader. You can download
one of the following programs..." in their [3]new migration guide (in
German) and highlights that there should be no advertisement for
non-free software readers by public authorities.

Besides that, since the fundraising started, the number of people
supporting our 'Petition For The Removal Of Proprietary Software
Advertising On Public Institution Websites' [4] has now reached 2579
signatures. Once again, thanks for supporting this campaign and for your

Finally, we would like to suggest everyone to turn off Javascript before
you go to the donation page [5] . This way, you will avoid to run
nonfree Javascript code. We apologise for this inconvenience, which is
an issue related with this platform. Moreover, we have asked the
platform managers to address this problem, and they agreed to work on this.

[1] https://fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/parliamentary-questions-eu.en.html


[ 3]

[4] http://fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/petition.html

[5] http://www.ulule.com/pdfreaders/]
L?opold Baillard
- FSFE intern in Berlin -

E-mail : leobaillard at fsfe.org
Mobile : + 49 (0) 151 21 40 55 46
GPG : 59C6 1CCA 2343 8DE4 D4FF D96A BC55 4A21 3B90 C658

Support FSFE! http://fsfe.org/support/?leobaillard

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